Dear Folks,
I am not writing this post because I have the volatile dynamics of Christian discipleship and contemporary U.S. politics figured out. On the contrary, I am actively seeking input from other Christians who believe they comprehend what is going on within our government and society these days.
Here are some factors that seem relevant to me --
1) Jesus told us to honor all governments and their laws, as even ungodly ones are put in place and allowed to remain at God's discretion. This is already problematic when you consider places like Hitler's Germany, today's Egypt, Libya, Syria and many other countries.
2) Our Founding Fathers generally espoused Christian beliefs; yet, they made a conscious effort to allow for religious freedom in the new nation by "separating" government's role and authority from that of religion.
3) Today many Christians object to the culture that has resulted from implementation of this "separation of church and state." They feel crucial Biblical principles are being eroded; such as the traditional definition and terms of marriage, the right to life of an unborn child, scientific principles taught in public schools, and even their own Christian right to pray, worship and celebrate the birth and death of Christ in public.
4) However, those same contemporary Christians tend also to believe that government should not play a particularly large role in protecting or regulating the affairs of its citizens. So far as I am aware, this perspective is not a Biblical one.
5) What is more, "small government" Christians generally also believe it is up to private organizations and citizens, not governmental agencies, to care for the poorest members of society. Again, I do not see this belief as Biblically-based.
6) However, it is possible our society could function well relying primarily on such private charity, were it not for the fact that these same Christians also believe our society will function optimally if "the market" is allowed free rein to generate profits, which will eventually "trickle down" to those at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder.
Here, in my opinion, is where the real problem lies. It appears to me that Satan has built up a gigantic stronghold in this area that not only undermines the "free market trickle down" theory, but actually seems poised to destroy our democratic culture and way of life. The name of the stronghold is Greed.
7) An "unholy alliance" among the nephilim of Wall Street, some members of our state and federal governments, and certain Christians appears to being taking place. The result is that, while a small number of individuals are growing exceedingly wealthy and powerful, more of the U.S. population than ever before in our history is falling into poverty. And this just as the previous "safety net" is being removed!
What I cannot fathom is how Christians can be front and center in this process. What has happened to truth in the face of professional spin doctors who simply want their side to win? What about integrity, humility, compassion, trust in God, submission to his will, and the other fruits of the spirit which demonstrate to God and each other that we are those who are called by his holy Name? And, where do we stand with respect to the greatest commandment, to love our neighbor as ourselves?
Please, folks, I truly am not a hothead out to point fingers or fan a revolution. I simply am bewildered and, yes, horrified, at what I see happening to our government, our corporations, and our society as a whole. Does anyone understand this development from a spiritual perspective? If so, would you please help me, because to me it feels like an accelerating descent into Ayn Rand-style individualism.
Specifically, if you are an earnest follower of Jesus and also a committed Republican, I need to comprehend how you unify these belief systems within yourself. I have tried repeatedly and simply cannot reconcile them. Thank you, brothers and sisters.
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